
Artist book, Edition of 7 + 4AP, manually annotated and signed

Workers are evaluated. This is nothing new. Workers were evaluated in the past. Evaluation strategies have just got more sophisticated over the decades, like the management systems they are embedded in.

An evaluation strategy is a tool. Like any other tool, it has the strong tendency to get out of hand. Our tools have a life of their own. They proliferate, branch out into new territories, invade our physical and mental spaces. We create them to serve us, yet they end up enslaving us.

How can we know that a tool has got out of hand?
We need to carefully look at records, gather evidence, analyze data.
And then we need a proper evaluation strategy: a tool, that is, another tool, a new one.

Realized thanks to:
Corona immediate help programm of the region NRW
"Soft Power" Banff residency, November 2020

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